
erstausstattung wohnmobil campingprodukte campingküche packliste grundausstattung

Welcome to the camping club - the basic equipment

Woohoo, here we go, you've bought your first camper or borrowed a motorhome and now it's time to put away practical and personal things. But what do I really need? We'll tell you our tips for th...

PacklistenPackliste Winter Vanlife

Winter vanlife packing list

Winter vanlife in Norway and Sweden is beautiful, but also challenging. We have put together a short list for you with some of the things that we had around us every day and that we find practical,...


Vanlife packing list spring/summer with kids

Vanlife with children, whether for a weekend or a few weeks, you actually pack the same thing. We have listed our current equipment for you, maybe it will help you to think of one or two things or ...

PacklistenEin Jahr im Camper mit Kindern - unsere Packliste

A year in a camper with children - our packing list

First of all: whether you live in a camper with children for a few weeks or a year, there is hardly any difference when it comes to the packing list. Here in North America we travel through differe...