Pow Pow LAAX!  Schlemmen und Skifahren für die ganze Familie

Pow Pow LAAX! Between feasting and skiing.

Schön, wieder hier zu sein! Diesmal im Winter. Wir nehmen euch mit zum Rodelspaß in Nagens, Schlemmen als Sofa-Gourmets im s`nani und zum Shoppen und Rocken im Stenna Center in Flims. ...

SkandinavienDänemark - 33 Dänemark Tipps

Denmark - 33 Denmark Tips

Inspired by old towns contrasting with imaginative, modern architecture, endless beaches and open-minded people, we have summarized our 33 Denmark tips and highlights in an illustrated map. Have...

SkandinavienStockholm Landkarte illustriert Tipps Roadtyping

Stockholm - Our city map with the best tips

Why a stopover in Stockholm is worthwhile, what you must see and where is the best place to stay overnight with your camper 21 Stockholm tips Are you thinking about making a stopover in Stockh...

PacklistenKanutour in Südschweden mit Kindern und Hund

Canoe tour in southern Sweden with children and dog

We'll tell you how we planned and found our beautiful multi-day tour in southern Sweden with children and dog, why we chose a lake and not the archipelago by the sea, and what we should put on ou...

Kanada/USABritish Columbia: Mit dem Van in Richtung Kanada's Süden

British Columbia: By van towards Canada's south

Back to British Columbia and back to civilization After the adventurous weeks in the Yukon, we return to beautiful British Columbia, just south of Watson Lake. There we enjoyed pure nature a...

Kanada/USABild vom Schloss Castle von Quebec City

Quebec City: From ancient tourist magnet to vibrant young city

Quebec City: From ancient tourist magnet to vibrant young city When we arrived in Quebec City for the second time on a rainy afternoon, we never thought we would fall in love with this city s...