Nachhaltig campen

Ideas for packaging-free travel

Ideen für verpackungsfreies Unterwegs sein

Do you know that in everyday life at home you have developed a routine about how you can avoid plastic and packaged food or other things as much as possible? But as soon as you are out in the camper, it becomes difficult to stick to this routine, which is mainly because you no longer have the same supermarkets, unpackaged shops, etc. on site that you had set up at home. On the other hand, shopping in a foreign country is always so exciting and you like to try so many things that you don't know or walk past bakeries that tempt you with delicious snacks. Culinary delights are part of traveling, trying things out and also having food on hand and you can't miss that. But there are a few small things you can do to avoid trash, especially to go.

Drink more tap water!

A reusable water bottle always belongs in your luggage, whether you're strolling through town, hiking, in everyday office life or in the car. In Germany, tap water is usually tasty and drinkable, so you not only save plastic but also money. There are more and more drinking water fountains, especially abroad, where you can easily fill up your bottles.

This belongs in your city strolling bag

Let's go to a foreign city, if you're not traveling with children, you're looking forward to your first coffee and breakfast on hand or in a café. So before you go, pack a “reusable snack bag”. A to-go cup with a lid, a beeswax bag, perhaps cutlery, a lunch box and a cloth napkin hardly take up any space, but they are your packaging “free ticket” for today. Cappuccino and Cornetto on the promenade in the morning sun with a view of the sea and the morning hustle and bustle of Italy - in a to-go cup and beeswax bag. If you prefer to grab something on hand at lunchtime rather than go out for pasta, take a bread box with you to pick up a few culinary highlights at the deli counter. Bread goes back into the beeswax bag and you also have cutlery with you.

Refill: Not only saves waste but also money

Have you ever noticed that in recent months there have been more and more signs in cafés saying that you can save up to €0.50 with the to-go cup you bring with you? Oat milk as an alternative to cow's milk is often rewarded with a cheaper price. Thumbs up, we think that's great!

Prepare snacks

Whether you have children or without, having a healthy snack with you helps against cravings, low blood sugar or a bad mood. To avoid being tempted to buy anything, you can get into the habit of preparing a snack in advance in the motorhome or at home.

Our tip: Divide your lunch box into two compartments using the divider and fill one part with some freshly cut fruit and/or vegetables and the other compartment with something dry such as nuts and crackers.

Spice bag

If you enjoy cooking on the go as much as we do, then you probably love your own spices and want to have them with you when you're on the go. For this reason we have developed our spice bag, which consists of eight glass test tubes that you can fill with your favorite spices at home. This also saves space in the camper. Our favorite part!

Cloth bag

In addition, it is always good to have a fabric bag in your handbag to transport souvenirs and spontaneous purchases. At local farmers' or weekly markets, especially abroad, you can not only buy cheaply, seasonally and locally, but also usually without packaging.

Beeswax cloths

In the meantime, they are no longer one of the exotic vintage cloths from grandma's kitchen, because beeswax cloths have now become established in many supermarkets, not just organic ones, and are part of the basic equipment of every kitchen and every camper. Whether sandwiches, pancakes, cakes or fruit or vegetables: you can quickly wrap a lot of things in it and stay wonderfully fresh thanks to the antiseptic effect of the beeswax.
Did you know that we also have beeswax cloths in our range? They are made by Steffi here in our Kaufbeuren base in the Allgäu.

Solid soaps

We have also made the switch from liquid soap to solid soap and shampoo. Here you not only do without the packaging, but the products usually also contain exclusively natural ingredients. They are also quite space-saving. Get a travel soap dish and equip it with a soap bag.
A little tip: Since you usually don't have time to let the soaps air dry while camping, simply pack them and the soap dish in your camping fridge so they harden quickly and don't leak.

We believe that you can't do everything 100% right straight away and that some things take time and getting used to. If you find it difficult to do this, then start by choosing a few processes that fit into your everyday life and gradually improve. You will see that it is fun and happy to save on packaging.

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