Camping Vanlife Klo WC Toilette Campingklo Trenntoilette Komposttoilette Kildwick
Camper Ausbau

Dry toilet in the camper

Some have it and some don’t, We don't want to miss it: The Vanklo Do you need a toilet in your camper? In this blog post, we would like to look at our toilets in the camper and give you an ove...

Camper AusbauCamping Vanlife Mülltrennung Mülleimer Trashbag Plastikmüll Papiermüll

Garbage and waste separation in the camper

It's just part of it, ideally as consciously as possible Waste separation on camping holidays It's amazing how much waste you create even though you take so much care to buy as little packagin...

Camper AusbauCamping Camper Campervan Wasser kanister tank auffüllen

Water and water supply in the camper

Sustainable travel in a camper Water and water supply in the campervan In addition to electricity, water is of course a very important resource. At home you simply turn on the tap and as much ...

Camper AusbauSprinter Campervan mit Zusatzbeleuchtung von Osram in der Dämmerung in den Alabama Hills in Kalifornien

Our additional lighting on the van

We thought about which setup was right for us for a long time. With the support of OSRAM, we now have four additional headlights for the front and two headlights for the rear, as well as a more pow...

Camper AusbauMercedes Sprinter Campervan als Familiencamper mit zwei Kindern und HUnd

Room tour | Mercedes Sprinter Campervan expansion with 2 children

Our rolling home: our Sprinti, as we all affectionately call him. If you had asked us a few years ago what vehicle we would be traveling with in a few years, we probably wouldn't have believed t...

Arbeiten im VanAutark reisen, leben und arbeiten im Camper

Travel, live and work self-sufficiently in a camper

For us, traveling in a camper meant absolute freedom. You can go wherever you want, provided it's allowed, you can stay as long as you like and you always have everything you need to stay spontane...